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Inertia – Why We Won’t Start

In Living on Sunday, May 18, 2008 at 2:21 am

Let’s talk some Physics for a change. While at school, we learnt the Newton’s law which states that all objects will continue to stay in their current state unless acted upon by an external force. This is known as the ‘Law of Inertia’ – where inertia refers to the ‘current state’.

For example, when we’re moving in a bus going at a fairly consistent speed, we don’t feel we’re moving. But we know we’re moving at the same speed as the bus. The situation changes when the bus stops abruptly, when we jerk forward. This is a classic case of Inertia, where we move forward even though the bus stops – in effect, continue to be in the ‘current state’ of motion.

The analogy is not too far away from how we generally react to any change – either in our thoughts, decisions or by force. We try to resist change for as long as possible. We give excuses for not starting that one thing we always wanted to do – working out, learning new skills, start investing or getting a health check.

Since at least my college days, I’ve wanted to go to the gym to get some physical activity into my daily routine. I read and people advised. I got into my job and I got a good reason that I didn’t have time or the working hours didn’t fit in. A few years passed by, I had horizontal growth, rather than the vertical growth I was looking for ay work. My paunch was growing and my favorite jeans had to be discarded. I kept making new year resolutions.

Then, it was close to my wedding and this rang an alarm-bell. Somehow, there wasn’t enough ‘time’ and I was ‘tensed’. After all the wedding formalities, I saw my weight, which was now above the BMI for my age and height. That’s it. I went up on a Sunday noon and registered with the nearby gym.

Now, notice how the activity of working out started out – as a wish, and started growing into more of a must-do and finally, it became forced because of the high risk involved. Most of us are quite familiar with this pattern – we do things or we change when it’s a question of survival or when we are left with no other choice. Yep, it happens a lot of times.

The funny part is we all seem to know how to make our lives better – but we’re stuck with inertia. We would not start. We wait for something to happen on it’s own. Obviously, this may work for the mediocre, but if you want to be the best and get to the place you want to be, you’ve got to Start NOW. The time is NOW. Not later, not tomorrow – it’s NOW. This cannot be said enough times.

  1. Lei Sridhara, we have so many things in common dude…. Guess what, I too started going to gym at office from some time in March. I go there regularly on weekdays and have managed to shed some 6KG of fat. I am struggling hard to get rid of the flab at the belly and I know it is the last thing to go…

    I hope you are a still a regular!!

    By the way how much weight did you loose?

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