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Posts Tagged ‘Change’

Oh no, I’ve a new boss

In Career on Friday, June 6, 2008 at 5:55 pm

How good is (s)he? Am I going to build the rapport all over again? What happens to my appraisal? Is he going to approve my allowances? Is he strict with the timings? Are we still going out for team lunch? And so the list goes on.

Every person is different and everything is a package – you’ve a mix of things you like and hate. A manager is no exception. He is hired to this position by his boss to get some things done. He comes with a certain experience, skills, attitude and style.

In most cases, it’s the ‘style’ factor that we’re worried of. Because that affects you, directly and immediately. Be open, understand the person, his needs, his must-do’s and don’t-do’s. Stick to it and deliver on your job. Outside the office, we all have families, and we all want to have fun. Try to make office a nice routine, if not fun.

My old manager hardly came to office once a week, she worked at a different location or timings. This gave the bunch of us the freedom to operate in our daily chores, but we sometimes felt the lack of direction and approvals took long time to come by.

My current manager shoots me a mail if a snail did not move at a certain time, in a certain direction. I was asked to login to a conference call, “right now”. I was asked to get some data “ASAP, please”. “Come to this office tomorrow, we’ve meetings”. Initially, I was bogged down by the never-ending demands. As we settled down with the pace, I realized the power of doing things now and the ‘God’ in the small details. That has given me the speed to go after any given challenge, talk to people no matter who they were and get things done. This is a lesson for life.

The point is, you can’t avoid changes. Either resist the change, crib about it and make your job miserable or be a part of it, learn to survive and thrive. The choice is yours, any day.