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Archive for February, 2009|Monthly archive page

The Joy of Doing Nothing

In Living on Friday, February 13, 2009 at 4:32 pm

All of us are guilty of constantly setting goals, to-do lists, and preaching others. Apart from sleeping, my guess is we never stop thinking about things to do. Do we?

I wonder when do we stop and do nothing. Just be. Feel the air. Listen to the ambient sound. See things around us. May be when we go on those trips once in a while.

Today, try this for about ten minutes. Go to a lonely place, wherever you are comfortable. Try not to think of work to be done. Just stop bossing yourself with instructions and deadlines. A cup of coffee or tea would be wonderful.

Listen to your inner voice speaking to you. There are dreams put on hold for long. There are friends you’ve lost touch with. There are songs you’ve stopped humming. There is a whole new life inside that you’ve buried; yet, you know that’s the life that brings all the joy you’ve forgotten.

Go ahead, stop, do nothing once a day. You’ll know what’ve missed, and how you can reclaim your life (to borrow from the Tata Safari SUV ad)!